A new website has been launched for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP)! Complete with inspiring stories of rangelands and pastoralist communities across the globe, the website is designed to promote this International initiative. Make sure to check out the video organized by 2nd Vice President Karen Launchbaugh, and Past Presidents Larry Howery and Barry Irving.
Please share the website and support for IYRP to your contacts and friends around the world! In addition, we’ve provided a Social Media Kit (Word file download) below to further outreach. Sharing support for this initiative is at a critical time. Currently, at least 13 countries and more than 110 civil society organizations have submitted letters of support. SRM has led this effort for many years, but with a critical vote occurring in the days ahead at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Committee on Agriculture (COAG), now is the time to push and promote to your colleagues and networks.
Please utilize this Social Media Kit (Word file download) to promote IYRP.