The Society for Range Management (SRM) is actively working to address the implications of recent staffing reductions across federal agencies. Through ongoing conversations with agency leadership, SRM is elevating the concerns of rangeland professionals and highlighting the critical role these individuals play in managing and sustaining rangelands. We are committed to ensuring that the voices of rangeland professionals, including producers, consultants, researchers, and federal employees, are represented in these discussions and that their contributions remain integral to agency priorities.
Job Board Resources
– Rangelands Job Board | https://rangelands.org/job-listings/
– TAMU Natural Resources Job Board | https://jobs.rwfm.tamu.edu/
– Western Landowners Alliance Job Board | https://westernlandowners.org/job-board/
– The Wildlife Society Career Center | https://careers.wildlife.org/
– Of the West | https://ofthewest.co/
– Ranch World Ads | https://www.ranchworldads.com/index.php?cat_id=4
– Ecological Society of America Career Center | https://www.esacareercenter.org/
– Society of American Foresters Career Center | https://careercenter.eforester.org/
– American Fisheries Society Career Center | https://jobs.fisheries.org/
– CA Rangeland Conservation Coalition | https://carangeland.org/2024/04/13/rangeland-related-job-board/
– RanchWork.com | https://www.ranchwork.com/jcategory/all-ranch-jobs/
– Soil and Water Conservation Society | https://swcs.careerwebsite.com/
– Conservation Job Board | https://www.conservationjobboard.com/
– Eco Jobs | https://ecojobs.com/natural-resources-and-conservation-jobs/
– Quivira’s Job Board | https://jobsearch.quiviracoalition.org/
– Trout Unlimited Jobs & Internships | https://www.tu.org/about/jobs-and-internships/
SRM is also prioritizing immediate resources to support those impacted. Here are several ways we are helping to connect and engage our membership:
- Job Boards: SRM is offering free job listings during this time to help members connect to new opportunities. We encourage you to explore openings on the SRM Job Board as well as postings from partner organizations compiled here at the bottom of this email.
- Facebook Live Session: Join us next week for a Facebook Live session with SRM leadership. We’ll provide an update on our advocacy work with agency leaders and discuss how SRM is engaging on behalf of members. Watch our Facebook & your email for details!
- Zoom Meeting for Member Input: Also next week, SRM in conjunction with our Young Professionals Conclave will host the 1st of several private Zoom “Townhalls” exclusively for members to share their experiences. These insights will help build a clearer picture of how staffing changes are impacting the management of rangelands and those who depend on them.
Three-part Townhall series:- TALK THE TALK: February 27th at 6PM MT
- WALK THE WALK: Details coming soon!
- SRM IS HERE: Details coming soon!
- Feedback Form: We want to hear from a variety of voices across the rangeland profession—terminated employees, current federal employees, producers, and others. Our feedback form allows you to provide input, including anonymously, on how these changes have impacted you, your work, or your operations. Your stories will help SRM convey first-hand experiences to policymakers as we articulate the real-world impacts of workforce reductions.
Our Messaging- with your input.
A cornerstone of SRM’s mission is workforce development, and we remain steadfast in advocating for the critical role rangeland professionals play across public and private landscapes. Federal staff, including researchers and agency field personnel, are vital to the management of healthy, productive rangelands—and equally important in connecting with and supporting land stewards who care for these resources daily.
In our discussions with agency leaders, we emphasize the importance of retaining a highly trained and effective workforce to provide technical expertise, science-based strategies, and hands-on support to manage wildfire threats, restore landscapes, address invasive species, and maintain essential infrastructure. Beyond addressing near-term challenges, SRM is focused on long-term solutions that bolster the capacity of rangeland professionals to deliver lasting value to ranchers, rural economies, and the natural resources that support them.
The insights and experiences shared by our membership will further strengthen SRM’s ability to advocate effectively at the highest levels. By illustrating the real-world challenges of these reductions, we can ensure that policymakers have the information they need to make informed decisions that reflect the importance of a capable and well-equipped workforce.
Thank You.
Thank you for your dedication to the science and stewardship of rangelands and for your trust in SRM to represent you during this critical period. Your participation and feedback continue to guide our actions and advocacy as we work to sustain the essential role of rangeland professionals.
We will continue to provide updates as we advocate for meaningful solutions and support for our profession. Please do not hesitate to contact SRM leadership with any questions or suggestions.
Key Dates to Stay Connected:
- Facebook Live: Watch our FB and your email for details!
- Zoom Meeting to Share Experiences (Exclusive for Members):
- TALK THE TALK: February 27th at 6PM MT
- WALK THE WALK: Details coming soon!
- SRM IS HERE: Details coming soon!
- Feedback Form Here