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A Message to our SRM Members and the Rangeland Community

On behalf of the Society for Range Management, we reconfirm our commitment to increase diversity and inclusion within the Society. We firmly condemn racial discrimination, violence, oppression, systemic racism and social injustice wherever it occurs. As a Professional Society, our vision is to see a well-trained and highly motivated group of professionals and rangeland users working with productive, sustainable rangeland ecosystems.

As the SRM Diversity and Inclusion Statement specifies, SRM welcomes, encourages, affirms, and values the participation and inclusion of all individuals with an interest in rangelands regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, culture, educational status, disabilities, emerging ideas and perspectives, or socio-economic status. We vigorously strive to eliminate implicit bias and reject discrimination and stereotyping within the society by proactively fostering tolerance, mutual respect, and multicultural awareness and competency by actively promoting inclusion in membership, education & training, competition, leadership, committees, staff, and all other areas of SRM activity.” The full statement can also be accessed at:

As we strive to uphold SRM’s Code of Ethics to “foster an environment where all people are encouraged to participate in the Society and the management and enjoyment of rangelands,” we stand with rangeland managers and scientists who have experienced any form of hate and racism and those who strive against such sentiments. SRM members who experience situations incongruent with our policy or code are invited to contact the SRM Officers and Board of Directors at: Any members who feel their voice is not being heard or are facing specifically hostile situations or interactions within SRM are invited to contact the Society’s ombudsperson, Kelly Fogarty at: 202.870.3342 for confidential consultation.

The Society for Range Management is committed to progress towards a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive Professional Society that is open and welcoming to all. During our Board of Directors meeting in February 2020, SRM leadership accepted the report of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force which was charged with examining steps toward greater inclusion in our Society. In response, we established the SRM Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This committee is currently being assembled and is tasked with proposing measures to continue to increase diversity and inclusion within SRM.

Racism, discrimination, and violence have no place within SRM, and do not reflect our purpose and our values. We are proud of the SRM heritage those before us have built and we continue to build on that heritage. We are proud of the steps we have already taken, but we must all be committed to building an inclusive culture, we cannot do it alone.

Charles Hart
2020 President
Poncho Ortega
2021 President
Karen Launchbaugh
2022 President
Jess Peterson
Executive Vice President

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