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SRM Joins Professional Societies in a Statement on the Importance Federal Natural Resource Workforce

The Society for Range Management (SRM) has joined The Wildlife Society (TWS), the American Fisheries Society (AFS), and the Society of American Foresters (SAF) in issuing a joint statement on the importance of restoring federal natural resource positions. Together, these professional societies emphasize the critical contributions of federal natural resource professionals in ensuring the effective management of America’s public trust resources—spanning rangelands, forests, waters, and wildlife habitats.
The joint statement highlights the long-term risks posed by continued staffing reductions and outlines the vital role of federal field professionals in supporting rural economies, landowners, and conservation priorities nationwide:“The federal natural resource workforce must be properly supported to deliver the critical services upon which so many Americans rely. Recent staffing reductions have left agencies unable to meet the demands of resource management, scientific advancement, and public engagement—all of which are essential for sustaining the nation’s landscapes and rural economies.”
The societies stress specific concerns regarding the impacts of these layoffs, particularly on early-career professionals and field staff who provide essential technical guidance, infrastructure maintenance, and restoration expertise. In their statement, the coalition made clear that both rural communities and national environmental goals depend on retaining and restoring this highly skilled workforce.As part of the statement, the societies also note the economic benefits of retaining these vital positions. For every federal dollar spent on conservation and natural resource management, $2.40 is returned to local and national economies—a testament to the critical value of these programs.Read more about this collaboration and SRM’s efforts here: Professional Societies Issue Joint Statement on Federal Workforce.By joining forces with these leading professional societies, SRM continues to elevate the concerns of rangeland professionals while underscoring their indispensable contributions to sustainable land management and resource conservation.
Read the Joint Professional Society Statement:

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