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Assistant/Associate Professor of Range Management

Kansas State University, Department of Agronomy

Position Description: The Agronomy Department at Kansas State University seeks an Assistant/Associate Professor to lead an innovative research and teaching program in Range Management to enhance the profitability, sustainability, resilience, and ecosystem services of managed grasslands. The candidate will be the Associate Director of Rannells Flint Hills Prairie Preserve located just south of Manhattan, KS. The research focuses on developing and refining rangeland management practices that achieve ecological and economic goals by supporting multiple land uses and ecosystem services and sustaining rangeland health and climate resiliency. The candidate is expected to incorporate new and emerging technology as appropriate. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses on range management and range ecology and a graduate-level course, which equates to one course per semester. Advising undergraduate students in the range program is expected. The successful individual will develop a program designed to advance rangeland ecology and management, serve the needs of Kansas ranchers and range stewards, and collaborate with faculty in rangeland, agronomic, animal, economic, and ecological disciplines.

The Rannells property consists of nearly 3,000 acres of native tallgrass prairie for replicated grazing research. It is used for a wide variety of rangeland research projects with an emphasis on stocker cattle production.

Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in range science, range ecology, wildland management, grassland ecology, or related field, with extensive experience in rangeland management. demonstrated commitment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate student mentoring and teaching, outstanding oral and written communication skills, strong potential for securing extramural funding, a record of publishing research results in peer-reviewed journals commensurate with current career level, and commitment to the University’s land-grant mission.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience in teaching at the university level, experience in the use of prescribed fire and grazing management to achieve management goals, experience in developing, implementing, and evaluating science-based grazing management plans, experience in securing extramural funding, familiarity with Great Plains rangeland agriculture and livestock systems, experience leading or working as part of an interdisciplinary team, desire and ability to work in multi-disciplinary team environment and advance the university’s commitment to collegiality, diversity, and inclusivity.

Salary: $90,000- $120,000, salary commensurate with experience.