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Rangeland and Wildlife Monitoring Technician (2)

University of Wyoming

Location: University of Wyoming – Laramie, WY

Job Purpose: To conduct measurements of vegetation, livestock, and wildlife on a federally funded research project.

Work Period: May 26, 2025, through August 22, 2025 (for 14 weeks)

The technician will assist a 2-3-person crew recording plant community, livestock, and wildlife data in 10 pastures at a research ranch approximately 30 miles north of Laramie, WY.  Specific field duties may include measuring vegetation structure, plant species abundance, livestock and wildlife presence as indicated by fecal transects, animal observations, processing game camera photos in a database, bird surveys along transects, and other similar field methods to be determined.  This work will be under the supervision of a PhD student as part of a research project funded by the Noble Research Institute and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research.  This work will take place at a University of Wyoming research ranch approximately 30 miles north of Laramie, WY and will enable living in Laramie and traveling daily to the research ranch.  The ranch is a high-elevation setting (~7,200’) dominated by sagebrush and cool-season grasses and grazed by cattle.  Must be willing to learn, be detail-oriented, have good communication skills, be able to maintain good work ethic, and able to work independently and as part of a team. Familiarity with grassland plant species, livestock and wildlife monitoring, birds common in the western Great Plains and sagebrush steppe, or a strong desire to learn these is necessary. Experience with bird surveys and identification, GPS navigation, and Microsoft Excel is a plus. Must have a valid driver’s license and be willing to work in hot field conditions for long periods of time.

Minimum Qualifications-Education: Junior- or Senior- standing in a university/college program studying agriculture, conservation, ecology, environmental science, wildlife, or related areas. Experience:  Knowledge of plants; general fieldwork; navigation. Other: Must work well in a team