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A lot going on behind the scenes in SRM 

My First Months on the Board

By: Pat Johnson, SRM Director

It has been a steep learning curve in the 8 months since I joined the SRM Board of Directors at the 2019 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.  I am gaining a much greater appreciation for the breadth and depth of the issues the Executive Committee and full Board deal with throughout the year.  They work in close cooperation with the Advisory Council, committees, and the SRM staff to serve SRM members and the rangelands that we love.

I have been especially impressed with the knowledge, dedication, and hard work of the SRM staff and the tremendous value they provide to the Executive Committee, the Board, and to SRM as a whole.  We are fortunate to have them working on our behalf.

One thing that has been particularly exciting for me is to see the strong engagement of our Student Conclave and Young Professionals Conclave.  They are the future of SRM; they are enthusiastic and engaged.  Their goal is to increase involvement and retention of students and young professionals in SRM.  Watch for outstanding things to come from both of these groups!

Another exciting thing to see is the fiscal health of SRM.  Past Executive groups and Boards have worked hard to set us on a path of financial health, and we are reaping the rewards of their efforts.  As the Board Representative to the Endowment, Finance, and Investment Committees, I get to see first-hand the dedication of those Committee members to making sound fiscal decisions and ensuring SRM is financially sound into the future.  We are in good hands!

Many of our members are engaged in Section and Parent Society Committees and Task Groups; but there is a need for more members to get involved.  I encourage you to participate in the activities of your Section; join a Section or Parent Society Committee that deals with a topic or issue that you are passionate about.  Consider running for a Section or Parent Society office.  We need your contributions.  Everyone can and does make a difference.

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